Mold Illness
Dear George,
I have molds–black, white, copper, and shades in between. How do I determine health risks?
Sick, Moldy Patient
Dear Sick,
I hate to say this because it is so inconclusive, but–it depends.
Mold has more characteristics than color. Certain types of mold tend to grow in certain locations, and have other characteristics, such as growth patterns, reproduction patterns, whether or not they are pathogenic, whether they’re dimorphic (two different forms, for example, yeast and filamentous cells), etc…
Certain molds, such as Stachybotrys chartarum, can produce mycotoxins, and these are well documented to have negative health effects. That danger would be noted in your mold report, if applicable to your environment.
Some molds, which do not create mycotoxins, still cause people to frequently develop varying degrees of allergy. Anyone can develop an allergy if one is exposed over time, but responses to different types of mold vary depending on the individual. Be aware that mold exposure–like any antigen–will often cause an immune response to exist where none existed before.
A professional mold assessment can determine the specific genus of molds which have infiltrated your home. They will be listed in your comprehensive Toxic Mold Report.
Armed with your report, you can then take the findings to your doctor and-or allergist, who will then be able to test for your exposure to the known toxins or irritants, allowing them to medicate with knowledge of the cause rather than simply suppressing the symptoms.
You can contact us at 1 (800) 686-1992, 24/7, or via our user-friendly e-mail form.