Dear George, Can you explain to me why you have to send the tests to a lab?
Dear George,
Can you explain to me why you have to send the tests to a lab? The other company that was here had results over night, is that possible? I look forward to meeting George Jr.
We send the samples we collect to the laboratory to for laboratory analysis.
All samples are collected under chain of custody and sent to Aerotech Laboratories in Phoenix, Arizona by Fedex Priority Service.
The laboratory we use, Aerotech P&K is one of the most prestigious in the U.S. (sorry, I had to pass that along)
They do overnight analysis, however, the cost is nearly double. If you want results overnight, they are available, if you want to pay for it.
Let George Jr. know what you’d like to do.
You can also email me direct at
Thank you, George Hatcher Sr.